It's plodding along bit by bit, and it is allowing me to do bits and pieces before we get in there.
Just last week the roof finally got finished on the house, it took quite a while to do, as the roofing guy had other jobs going at the same time, and I made the mistake of telling him no need to rush for us and he could do other jobs at the same time.
At least this roofer did quote correctly and did not come back later to tell me that there was additional costs involved. The first one I got from either service seeking or hipages, and so far every time I've got a quote from them, they've always misquoted or not bothered responding.
A view of the house from the road with the surfmist roof now on, but still no bull nose verandah, as that was to take another couple of weeks to get a 110mm batten up on it.
A view from the back of the house very late afternoon, which also shows the SW3000 Solar Whiz fan.
I'll try and get another lot of photo's now the roofing has been finished.